The word Bedu comes from the Arabic, Badawi, meaning a dweller of the desert. As a people, they have learned to endure the harsh conditions of the desert and survive its unforgiving climate. The Bedouins’ have a reputation for understanding the animals that they care for, living as they do in symbiosis with their goats, camels or beautiful horses. This understanding is based on the simple fact of mutual dependence, without which no living soul would survive in the desert. This Camel Challenge is a unique project with an exceptional aim. It is an exciting and exhilarating way to make a real contribution to the Bedouin communities whilst experiencing their ancient way of life first hand.
The Challenge for you is if you give up your modern lifestyle for a week and trek through the glorious, unspoilt deserts of this beautiful country in the way it was meant to be seen – from the back of a camel?
Tour Highlights